
Most of the information we collect about you comes from ARCLINK, but we may also obtain it through affiliate websites and/or third parties with whom we have made a data-collection agreement, or via their respective apps, services, or tools. Other sources of information about you may also be utilized by us. As a result, even if you do not provide us with information through ARCLINK, our Privacy Policy may apply to you.

Unless required by relevant legislation, ARCLINK will not share your personal information with any other parties. You accept that ARCLINK may contact you and send you information from time to time based on your personal information. You fully consent to receive this information by accepting the Terms of Use.

Your information may be used for the following purposes in particular:

  1. To assist in the development of new services or the enhancement of current ones.
  2. To send users emails about special deals, new services, or other information that they might find useful.
  3. To adapt your website sessions to your preferences, such as by providing relevant, personally tailored material.

We reserve the right to use and disclose any non-personal, non-identifiable information that we gather through cookies and other site traffic data, or that you share on ARCLINK. or our associated sites in any manner.

All such data may also be disclosed if:

  1. Required by applicable legislation,
  2. Required as part of a merger, or
  3. Required by any service provider concerning any product we believe is relevant to the user.

Cookies: We may track your IP address and use cookies to store certain information on your device. A cookie is a small text file that enables a website to identify your browser and provide a consistent experience across numerous visits. Permanent cookies are used to give users personalized features such as automatically logging you into your customized homepage and delivering personalized services, content, and advertising. Cookies are also used to monitor and enhance how ARCLINK is used.

Cookies, specifically:

  1. Assist in the diagnosis and correction of outages, bugs, and problems in our code to ensure that our products run smoothly;
  2. Maintain our marketing, advertising, and sales departments’ routine business activities;
  3. Collect information on user preferences;
  4. Assist in tailoring the user experience;
  5. Verify the legitimacy of users attempting to log on as registered users;
  6. Assist with the Q&A platform
  7. Allow users to save searches and specific material;
  8. Provide a way for users and support personnel to communicate;
  9. Assist with application integration;
  10. Permit ARCLINK to track when a user views or clicks on an advertisement, and then visits or purchases a product from a third-party site;
  11. Collect click data for internal use and service optimization;
  12. Measure the effectiveness of services, products, ads, and campaigns;
  13. Track site traffic.

You can disable our cookies in your browser settings (see your ISP for assistance), but this may prohibit us from providing you with some services.

Cookies from a third party:

The usage of cookies, cookie names, and other cookie-related technology may change over time, and ARCLINK will make every attempt to notify you by revising this cookie policy if major changes occur. Please keep in mind that our business/housing project clients that sponsor sites on ARCLINK.com may use cookies or other technologies to learn more about user interest in their products and services, and in some circumstances to adapt those products and services to the user.